Monday, March 31, 2008

Quote of the Day

Our friend Kate comes in every Monday and camps at the bar doing work on her cute little Mac. After telling us about her "chronic sinus infection" that she's had "since 10th grade" I sold her on my most recent discovery. A neti pot. It's really pretty gross and I won't even get into the details here except to say that it's a pot that holds salt water that you use to clean out the sinus passages. I'll leave the rest to the reader's darkest imagination.

I had to run across the street to the health food store to pick up an order of Goddess dressing, Tofu and Dr. Bronners lavender hand soap. I suggested Kate come with me to get herself a neti pot and she came along for the ride.

Getting into the car to come back, neti pot in hand, Kate, all excited and enthralled with her new purchase, cries out....
"This may just be the healthiest thing I've ever put up my nose!!!"

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