It felt good to leave the world of regulation and licensing this afternoon and come home and spread out this wide spectrum of color. Sidling up a split pea with an eggplant purple. I've got a stack of booklets that show blending samples. There's the Affinity Collection, the Aura Collection, Serenity Collection, Interior Inspirations, and the Historical Color.
Who markets this stuff?
Some of the colors have pretty obvious names. Pistachio, Jack O' Lantern, Wild Aster.
But then we've got Mink Violet, Foot Hills and Monet.
Corduroy? What color is corduroy?
Northhampton Putty?
Pony brown?
Tudor brown? Hmmmmm....
Magic potion.
Serene breeze.
Land of liberty?
Stolen moments?
According to Ben Moore, a stolen moment is a subtle shade of celery green.
And Land of Liberty is more like an avacado green.
What else....
We've got Spring Break, Dreamy, Wishing Well...
and Cupid's Dart?????
oooh, here's one. Cup o' Java.
and Purple Rain.
and Love Affair.
Maybe we could pick the colors according to the name only and in the picking we could tell a great story. Or pick only names that relate to music, like Purple Rain or Cornerstone or Guava Jelly. Or we could do like Dana did and select names of paint that have only to do with the Grateful Dead. There's a Terrapin Green in this stack. Number 2145-20 for those hard core die-hards.
I don't know. This is fun and all and while the coffee shop is going to be a great job to have, I think someday I'd like to get paid for making up names like this. To sit around all day and name color. How does one land a job like that?
Today's Playlist
High Lonesome Sound ~ again. Great to open with... keeps you on your toes.
Jimmy Cliff ~ for you, B.J..... why on earth would you assume there'd be no reggae?!
Oh, Kalinas ~ it's your disc. You left it at our house :)
Old Crow Medicane Show ~ because I'm still mourning not seeing them in Burlington this month.
Nina Simone ~ because I'm an addict. In The Morning. It's Barnum all over again.
Arabic Groove from the Putamaya Collections.
Dixie Chicks.... I played two songs and had to turn it off. I don't think I like the Dixie Chicks all that much.
GLove... a good replacement to the Dixie Chicks.
and of course...
today's dose of Mountain Bed from Billy Bragg and Wilco.
Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.
Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.
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