Saturday, August 4, 2007

Slow Saturday

The weather finally broke. A little, anyway. It's the first day of many that I don't feel like I'm going to drop dead behind the counter. There's a small wind coming through the window by the sink and I'm not covered in a glaze of sweat and steamed milk.

Thursday was so unbelievably busy that if I came up for air at all in between customers I had to turn directly to the mounting pile of dishes. I left here in the evening with a long mental list of all the prep work that needed done the following morning. I let Els sleep in Friday and drove into the shop at 6:30am to cut eight sheets foccaccia and start the day. After work I made my first solo run to Costco, where I met up with miss Amy T. We cruised the big box store with our giantess carts and caught up with eachother while we stood in line for nearly a half hour. I think it's going to take me some time to wrap my head around the fact that I'm going to be shopping weekly at Costco. There's this eerie kind of comraderie in the milling crowd... a heavy sense of consumerism penetrating everything. Almost like an odd excitement..... more stuff. more stuff. more stuff.

I'm finally finding the time to look at incoming invoices, take note of regular purchases, quantities, prices, delivery dates, etc. I'm still waiting for my computer to arrive in the mail, at which point I can load up Quickbooks and plug all this info it. Amy uses the same bank that I'll be using and so I got to look at her business checks and see how it's all organized. Just that small detail has settled a quiet anxiety about the money side of things....

This morning's shift was really quiet. The church down the street is having their annual flea market and it's a slow kind of Saturday. Business trickled in all day and as a result I had a chance to dive under the sink and clean, prep more, and just enjoy the sensation of feeling on top of things for once.

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