Thursday, August 21, 2008

One Year Mark

Wish I had more time to write but, on the heels of my one year anniversary last Friday, I wanted to throw out the URL for my new, beautiful, 98% completed website. We still need some photos on the staff gallery page but otherwise, she's a beauty.

I spent my one year anniversary day learning how to body surf the waves in Rockport, Mass and drinking cosmos into the morning hours so I guess I can't be that bad off as a new business owner. There is more mulah in the business account now than when I started so that, too, is a good sign of success.

This past year has been the most beautiful display of community support and enthusiasm. Friends old and very new have come out of the woodwork to sit at my counter and offer their skills in sprucing up this town's most loved business. All my late night fears prior to the purchase have fallen to the wayside. I feared learning finances and bookkeeping and have (maybe not mastered but) learned it. I feared falling on my face behind the fishbowl of this main street venue but I haven't. My feet might be a little worse for the wear and I may have aged a few years in just this one.... but I'm not still breathing through the murky crazy straw of Stowe beauracracy and I'm doing my own thing happily.

So, check out the website,, leave feedback, come drink coffee.


p said...

congrats on a very nice website
(how come your not linking to your blog though?)
so happy for all your success!!!!!

p said...

duh i see it on there now....

Anonymous said...

umm...could you write more please, we all enjoy it. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

yup, still awaiting a word....but patiently and happy